A call to action for the common good

Civil Exchange has joined a group of civil society leaders to launch a Call to Action for the Common Good. We are inviting evidence, examples and ideas which demonstrate how common good practice can help tackle the biggest social challenges facing today’s society.

Through the Call for Evidence, we aim to build an inspiring and convincing national ‘story of hope’, challenging the current consensus, and based on our belief that we can only solve society’s big problems if we unlock the potential of people and institutions working together for the common good.

The Call for Evidence is being curated via a dedicated website, www.calltoactionforthecommongood.org.uk, which will showcase the case studies, stories and analysis from the UK and beyond of how common good thinking and practice produces wider social, economic and environmental benefits. We would like to engage with as many people as possible and invite comments and feedback on our ideas via the site. If you would like to contribute specific case studies, blogs and ideas, please email commongood@csv.org.uk